Protecting Your Herd: Brucellosis and IBR ELISA Testing for Cattle and Buffalo
Brucellosis and Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) are two serious diseases that can devastate cattle and buffalo herds. Early detection is crucial for controlling outbreaks and minimizing economic losses. DNA Lab offers reliable Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) services for both Brucellosis and IBR, providing valuable tools for herd health management.
What is Brucellosis?
Brucellosis, also known as Bang’s disease, is a bacterial infection that affects cattle, buffalo, and other animals. It can cause abortions, infertility, weight loss, and decreased milk production. Brucellosis is also zoonotic, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans through contact with infected tissues or fluids.
What is IBR?
IBR is a respiratory disease caused by a virus. Symptoms include fever, coughing, nasal discharge, and conjunctivitis. IBR can lead to pneumonia, weight loss, and reduced milk production. It can also cause abortions in pregnant animals.

How can ELISA Tests Help?
ELISA is a highly sensitive and specific blood test that detects antibodies produced by the animal’s immune system in response to infection.
Brucellosis ELISA: This test can identify animals that are infected with Brucella bacteria, even if they are not yet showing clinical signs.
IBR ELISA: This test can help diagnose IBR infection and identify animals that may be carriers of the virus without showing symptoms.
Benefits of ELISA Testing:
- Early detection: Early diagnosis allows for prompt treatment and isolation of infected animals, preventing further spread within the herd.
- Improved herd health: By identifying and removing infected animals, ELISA testing helps to maintain a healthy and productive herd.
- Reduced economic losses: Early intervention minimizes economic losses associated with abortions, reduced milk production, and treatment costs.
- Zoonotic disease control: Brucellosis ELISA helps to protect human health by identifying infected animals that pose a potential zoonotic risk.
DNA Lab’s ELISA Services
DNA Lab is committed to providing comprehensive herd health solutions. We offer accurate and reliable ELISA testing for Brucellosis and IBR in both cattle and buffalo. Our services are designed to be:
- Convenient: We offer easy sample collection and submission procedures.
- Fast: Receive test results quickly to make informed decisions about your herd’s health.
- Affordable: Our competitive pricing makes herd health management accessible.
Protect your herd from Brucellosis and IBR with DNA Lab’s ELISA testing services. Contact us today to learn more!